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What is love?

.. baby, don't hurt me, don't hurt me... OK, I know, it's lame but I couldn't help it. Really.
Today I want to share my new watch and talk about upcoming Valentine's Day. My latest Instagram post is very romantic and everything but I do want to keep this particular post more down on Earth. For me love is everything and more. I can see and feel love in so many things but I do see it in this particular person everyday and I see all over him. For me he is Love.
I have received watch from Nordgreen last week and I wear it all the time. I love the minimal style, my favorite deep shade of blue and lightness on my wrist. Nordgreen is Copenhagen based minimalist brand. It pays a lot of attention to our environment and tries to be as sustainable as they currently can which I personally adore. They are a sustainable Danish brand, who works hard to provide environmentally-friendly packaging with upcycled felt & cartons, carbon-neutral shipping, and to give back through three NGOs (Water for Good, Cool Earth, Pratham UK): providing clean water, education, and protecting rainforest.
I my package there also was a fine reusable face mask (I have given it to my husband) and bag made from recycled material. I love these little adds so much. Definitely much happier during days.
And last but not least: they are giving you a gift code: 'Lyosha' for 15% off.


Have a nice day,

  Follow Inside & Outside
Follow Inside and Outside


  1. That watch is gorgeous. I have actually been looking to get a new watch soon, the colour is perfect. I'll have to drop hints to my husband.

  2. very pretty watch - and from Nordi's too, my favorite story. I will have to check them out next time I go shopping. Thank you

  3. Such a beautiful post! You two are so cute together! And I absolutely love that watch.
    the creation of beauty is art.

  4. How sweet. I am loving the watch and the mask is fabulous as well.

  5. Awww this is so gorgeous, I love Nordgreen and have two of their minimalist watches, they are great

  6. I loved this post. So heartfelt. I also wanted to sing 'baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more.'

  7. It seems like every company gives a facemask with your items. This is a pretty watch.

  8. awww love this! such cute images. I love a good mask company!

    1. they actually sell watches. mask is just a little gift

  9. The minute I read your title I started singing! Love it!

  10. That is a very nice watch. I like that it quite minimalist, I don't like watches that have a lot of bling on them.

  11. Oh my gosh you two are adorable. And I love that watch!

  12. What a lovely watch. There seems to be a ton of sustainable companies popping up all over the place which is good news for everyone. I really like the fact that a face mask and recycled bag are included in the package as standard.

    1. I agree. I think soon if the company is not sustainable, I will be able to never choose it for whatever product they have

  13. Cute watch! Blue is my favorite color too. I like that it came with a reusable face mask as well. Nice touch!

  14. This watch is gorgeous and my favorite color. What a great gift!

  15. Beautiful watch and lovely gift. You both look lovely!

  16. Funny - I actually thought that with smartphones and all, no one is wearing watches anymore. Seems I stand corrected :-)

  17. That's very sweet and what a wonderful gift! That's really something that you should celebrate. Happy to share the joy - Knycx Journeying

  18. I love that color of mask! it's such a pretty shade of blue. Very beautiful. I also wouldn't mind having that watch on hand.

  19. I always love companies that are environmentally friendly. Plus I love the color and style of it!

  20. Gorgeous watch! I love the color, and the color of the mask as well.

  21. Aww this is such a cute post! Loving these clicks and this watch too!

  22. loved the way you bought out the story in the post , the initiative of Nordgreen is indeed praiseworthy ...

  23. That watch looks beautiful. Truly elegant. It seems to go with everything you where too. I love your pictures too! Love is truly beautiful.

  24. perfect couple i hope u both happiness in life....cant see clearly the watch but looks nice

  25. The watch is very nice! But I was very excited to read about what love is to you, I wish you and your husband a lot of love, joy and beautiful moments together.
    Friendly greeting,

  26. woow...a nice piece on you, also love your storyline & beautiful captures shared. cheers, siennylovesdrawing

  27. Nice promotion you got going on. I did sing ".. baby, don't hurt me, don't hurt me..." when I read your post! What a nice awtxch and mask!

  28. Love the watch! And these pictures are so sweet!

  29. Beautiful watch and some beautiful photos. 👍🏻 For you he is love! Best wishes to both of you and your love story!❤️

  30. The watch looks awesome and you have gorgeous pictures. I wish you both good life together!

  31. Ah don't apologize for being a romantic! Love these photos of you guys! That watch is nice and I like that the company is sustainable. Thanks for the introduction.

    Allie of

  32. Beautiful watch! Thanks for sharing the gift code, happy Valentine’s Day to you and yours!

  33. First of all you are a sweet couple. The watch is elegant in design and the mask too is cool and simple.

  34. This is a beautiful watch that you got, nice valentine's day gift. Also you guys look in love! Keep it up.

  35. I love seeing people in love! The watch is gorgeous too

  36. The watch is beautiful and you look great together. I agree Love is beautiful

  37. That watch is so beautiful, and I really love that color, beautiful green!!
    I just saw the website, and that brand seems great!
    You and your husband look so happy and lovely!!


  38. Such sweet photos! And loving your new stylish watch, the colour is really nice <3


  39. Happy Valentine's day! Love the watch the color will go with anything you wear. Such sweet photos of you and your man!

  40. I did sing along so don't feel bad haha Great song! Also, the watch is lovely, thank you for the awesome discount code!

  41. I did sing along so don't feel bad haha Great song! Also, the watch is lovely, thank you for the awesome discount code!

  42. Oh my word, I started singing that song as I began reading your post! That one definitely made me giggle! You and your husband are adorable together, and I always enjoy seeing your posts of you two together. I like your watch, and especially like the mission statement of the company. The mask and bag are just nice touches that would bring me back as a repeat customer.

  43. Love is a decision we make everyday :) Loved this post

  44. Aw this is so lovely! Great song and I like the watch too - very nice x

  45. A watch is an accessory I can't afford to lose especially if I will be out of the house. It's a very important part of me.

  46. Those photos are so sweet, and I agree that is a lovely watch.

  47. I absolutely LOVE your watch! I have always been a fan of the more minimalist look when it comes to watches, so this definitely caught my attention. The fact that they try to be environmentally friendly in their business operations is a huge bonus as well!

  48. Beautiful expression of love. Thank you for sharing that! We can all always use more love.

  49. When I saw the title of this post, I thought of the song as well. But I wasn't expecting the following lyrics to be the opening sentence! Love it!

  50. What a sweet post! you are a beautiful couple and this looks like such a nice watch! :)

    Thank you so much for joining the #WeekdayWearLinkup! Hope you are enjoying your weekend :)

    Away From Blue

  51. You two are absolutely gorgeous!!! So cute....Very happy for you two.


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