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Kids Fashion Week

ENG: Yesterday on the 8th of March I celebrated Women's Day the best way possible: I attended a Fashion Show. And to make it even more special and beautiful it was a Kids Fashion Show or fashion shows even because I could see a lot of brands presented the collections during the event. I have admit producer center 'Grani' outdid themselves. It took place in Central Kids' Department Store, beautiful and famous old building filled with everything your kid might desire.
RU: Вчера в день 8 марта, я отметила Международный Женский День самым лучшим образом для меня: я посетила показ мод. И даже ещё лучше: это был показ детской моды в рамках Kids Fashion Week, самой полной и отвественно неделе детской моды. Надо признать, продюсерский центр "Грани" превзошли даже смелые ожидания, работая над этим праздником моды. Показов было множество, равно как и брендов, представивших свои коллекции на любой случай для маленьких модников и модниц. Проходило это мероприятие в Центральном Детском Магазине на Любянке, месте, не только как нельзя лучше подходящим детской моде, но и просто красивом знаменитом здании.

ENG: Below you can see the beautiful collections by Klimkova Kids, Original Marines, Primigi, Blue Button, Evika Kids and my personal favorite of many years Choupette. Each brand showed their vision of kids fashion in it's best, each collection is very wearable and super stylish. I like it how the designers thought of kids doing so many things and provide a stylish look for any occasion.  To tell the truth I wouldn't mind several items and outfits to be made in adult size to fit me.
RU: Ниже я покажу вам части коллекций, которые больше всего меня впечатлили вчера. Это модели из показов и моего личного фаворита последних лет, десткого дома моды Choupette. Каждый бренд показал своё лучшее видение моделей одежды для детей, стараясь предложить качественные, стильные и яркие образы для любого события в жизни ребенка. Честно признаться, я бы не отказалась от некоторых моделей, выполненных в размерной линейке для взрослых.

ENG: My outfit is not a match to Kids Fashion Week, it's a little to serious and office like for kids but that was exactly my mood that day so I didn't fight my desire to wear what I wore that day. I hope you enjoyed this look as well, sorry for a bit of mismatch.
RU:  Мой образ, честно признаться, совершенно не подходит детским показам, вызывая хорошие ассоциации с офисом. Однако, этот образ отлично подошел под моё настроение, поэтому я не стала сопротивляться и вышла из дома одетой именно так. Надеюсь, образ вам тоже хотя бы немного понравился, несмотря на стилевое несоотвествие.

Sorry about the huge post! I hope you enjoyed it anyway!

I was wearing:
Akhmadullina Dreams dress
Monki jacket
Jil Sander boots
c/o Nordgreen watch


Have a nice day,

  Follow Inside & Outside
Follow Inside and Outside


  1. I loved the look with the fluffy skirt in rose beige. So cute and definitely something I would buy for my niece.

  2. That is definitely a great way to spend Women's Day! I love love love your dress. You look stunning!
    the creation of beauty is art.

  3. Love all the outfits! Especially the bright colored ones!

  4. What a bunch of fierce kiddos, this is awesome!

  5. wow - these outfits are so cute and the models are absolutely adorable. Great post - Denise

  6. This is too cute and must've such a fun experience. I never realized there are kid fashion shows. These outfits are adorable. I definitely wouldn't mind a couple adult sized ones for myself!

  7. The clothes you shared in the pictures from Kids Fashion Week are gorgeous and your outfit is wow! So I imagine an emancipated strong woman on International Women’s Day!
    Friendly greeting,

  8. Those kids are so adorable in their amazing outfit! You look great as well and I'm glad with that.

  9. All these outfits are lovely and my younger daughter would definitely enjoy to be part of the show.

  10. All of the kids outfits are looking absolutely beautiful and they are adorable as well. That outfit you are wearing looks amazing too.

  11. I agree with you, a lot of the kids' outfits are so nice that one wishes he could have them even as adults :)

  12. Love all this outfits especially that red gown that cute little girl wore.

  13. I love those super cute girls dresses and also the dresses that we used to call "peasant dresses" paired with boots. You look great too!

  14. They all look so charming! The girls' outfits are so nice.

  15. amazing outfits....those kids are so adorable too..and also you look pretty on all yopur outfits

  16. So much fun and the fashion is beautiful! I believe the kids are having fun walking the runway as well! - Knycx Journeying

  17. I love the outfits coz they're all so age appropriate and really cute too!

  18. How fun to do kids' fashion week. I bet the kids had fun too.

  19. I did not know about kids fashion week. My younger daughter would absolutely be thrilled to be part of this event.

  20. ohh woow....these kids just so talented as fashion models, thanks for sharing this story, truly inspring by the kids' talents :D cheers, siennylovesdrawing

  21. The kids are so adorable! It's rare for me to see kids do fashion shows and when I do, I am very stunned. My daughter is also into fashion, so she aspires to be like those kids someday.

  22. I love how they used kids as fashion models, that is so cool! Maybe someday, kids can be fashion designers too!

  23. They dress way cooler than I do. I am jealous.

  24. This was such an interesting post to scroll through. I loved the clothes. So cute! And of course, would be great for adults too!

  25. What a great way to spend Women’s Day. Love your outfit, especially the jacket. Very versatile.

  26. Wow Im in awe on how great this fashion show was! I wish we had kid fashion week when I was growing up because these kids are definitely setting trends for the kids. Super fashion forward I need some of these styles in adult sizes.

  27. You have a great taste in colors and models. Good luck!

  28. What a great way to spend women's day! I love that you wore what matched your mood for the day. I found myself doing just that earlier in the week, and it simply made sense to me. Like there's no reason to fight something that just feels right.

  29. Your outfit is perfect for International Women's Day, if you ask me. It screams power - the power that women hold around the globe!

  30. I am loving all of these fashion forward looks for the kiddos! My daughter would love to wear any of these outfits!

  31. Hi Lyosha,
    Great post and amazing photographs! Love the outfits and the models all look adorable. I’m beginning to fall in love with Kids Fashion week ❤️
    Thanks for sharing!

  32. You get to attend so many fashion shows, I'm so jealous! I would love to see even one, I am sure it would be amazing. I used to watch every single Victoria's Secret Fashion Show that would come on TV when I was younger because I wanted to be a model, but when I stopped growing at only 5" I was soon told by everyone that WASN'T going to happen ��

  33. Wow! I really like the fact that there was a variety of different outfits to match the wealth of kids personalities that are there in real life. You actually look like an air hostess.

  34. I hope this compliments you but you can actually join them!! You look so young!

  35. Such fun outfits in that fashion show. Nice mix of ages too. Love your outfit very office chic!

  36. I love the style here! I used to work in kids fashion right after college and I really loved the fashion shows.

  37. The kids fashions is so cool. I love all the outfits here.


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