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I love adventure parks and I love staying active. I didn't know about the place before but i saw ads of it when we were in Mexico and we start reading. Surely, being a blogger I looked through social media and saw just how many bloggers I know enjoyed it. I immediately contacted some of them to see if they actually loved it or had any tip and we went there. We came very early and left among the last. It was so much fun! I loved everything about the trip. It's a great mix of beautiful calming nature, animals, lots of water and fun things to do like cliff jumping, zip-lining, cenote exploring, obstacle course, lazy river, bike route (I was shocked), snorkeling in mangroves and not, with food and drinks included. There are several things you can do for additional payment (for example swimming with dolphins) but you don't have to do it because there is so much to do, you literally have little time to just chill, if you choose to save money on extras, you won't really feel it. I loved Hel-ha so much I wanted to make a separate post about it even though there isn't much in fashion department here. I just wore a top and a shirt for like an hour that day, quickly switching to the bikini and wearing it all the time.

I'll some of the photos from the attractions to show off the park better.


Have a nice day,

  Follow Inside & Outside
Follow Inside and Outside


  1. oh my, the place looks amazing...and these two gorgeous parrots! I would love to spend a few days there, that would be amazing...

  2. Oh my goodness! This looks like such an incredible place. The views are spectacular and it looks like you had such a wonderful time <3
    the creation of beauty is art.

  3. Xel ha sounds like an amazing place indeed for me to spend some quality time chilling as well as having adventure , thanks for the recommendation

  4. It seems you two had an amazing time. Happy holidays!

  5. It looks like you two had such a great time, I loved getting to check out your pictures.

  6. I Have never heard of this place before but from the pictures... I want to. I love how tropical it looks!

    1. I didn't hear about it before I went on vacation as well. It's very natural, I think it's the biggest selling point to me

  7. Wow! What an absolutely STUNNING place!

  8. Wow, the nature seems amazing in that place - never been there

  9. The birds are great capture, and thanks a for sharing your adventure! It looks like a stunning location to visit :)

  10. Looks like an amazing outing! Love the pics - seems like a great place to visit!


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