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I guess most of people do that and I was not excluded. We did maternity photoshoot. Being a photographer I couldn't really allow anyone to get in my way of seeing the shot that is why I never hire a photographer. There is also an issue that most of wedding and maternity photographers have strong patterns and moods to make photos. It makes it impossible for me. Foe example, I am waiting for a miracle and I don't feel like 100 times more of a woman now when I have a giant belly with "alien" inside. I am still me and I am fun, active and not romantic. We did a shoot on our current favorite beach after a breakkie-picnic. We enjoyed it so much and I don't really want any other person to make it for me.


Have a nice day,

  Follow Inside & Outside
Follow Inside and Outside


  1. Pretty! I never did do one but one of my favorite set of pictures while expecting was on the beach with the rest of the family and some solo pictures that my son and a passerby took.

    1. well I pretty much orchestrated everything asking my husband to take the photos like I wanted and edited it all myself. But it's pretty normal for me because I am a photographer and I could never find a person who could do me shooting for me to be happy about it.

  2. Doing a photoshoot is a brilliant idea, amazing...Your photos are gorgeous, I love the set.

  3. Maternity photoshoot is a wonderful way to treasure the most special moments.

  4. Your photos are gorgeous! I didn't do much of maternity photos. I love my boys but I hated being pregnant so never really felt up to it. Sometimes I wish I did though.

    1. I feel you! I hid everything I could about the pregnancy and felt very ugly and never wanted even to hear the mention of the pregnancy. In the country I used to live before pregnancy is treated like a illness too and that didn't help me to embrace it. It all changed when I moved because in Mexico pregnancy is loved, you get a lot of attention and kindness and people always tell you how beautiful you are, embrace to enjoy it and live your live moving around and having fun. very fast I started thinking that way as well. I also think Rihanna's fashion choices helped a ton to feel I no longer need to hide it, instead I need to play around my new body. In the end I relatively enjoy the pregnancy. Can't wait for it to be finished though. I am almost there being due this month

  5. These photos are absolutely amazing and beautiful! What better way to really remember this beautiful moment.

  6. You really, totally made this photo session a blast for yourself and for us to enjoy. Gorgeous!

  7. This looks like a beautiful place to visit!

  8. You know I love your pictures. These clicks are amazing. All the best.

  9. Awww This is nice and unique. I seldom see maternity shoots at the beach. Looks like you had fun. :)

  10. That's such a great photo shoot. I only wish I had photos done like this when I was pregnant.

    1. I hear people regret not taking pictures so often, it helped me a lot to push myself and make it in the end of the day

  11. Such a nice maternity shoot! It's nice to capture these moments.

  12. It's true that most photographers have certain patterns and cliches in mind and the pix tend to look very similar. I like that it shows in your pictures how much fun you had and how comfortable you feel in your body. Also, the surroundings add to the pictures' beauty , obviously ;-)

    1. I am so happy I managed to show it through the shots. You captured my idea and my mood perfectly!

  13. First of all, congratulations on your pregnancy! These are beautiful photos and the scenery is breathtaking. - Lightly Sketched

  14. These are beautiful photos - you are definitely glowing! It's so nice to have these photos to look back on, I'm glad I took lots of photos in my pregnancies too!

    Hope that you are having a great week :)

    Away From The Blue

  15. Beautiful photos! And what a better lace to do a maternity photoshoot than on the Mexican beaches!

  16. Maternity photo shoot is a great idea. Precious moments to savor for life.

  17. Some gorgeous pictures here :) lovely memories that will last a lifetime!

  18. So lovely, and love that you took your own photos! Memories that will last a lifetime.

  19. These pictures are absolutely beautiful! I love your outfit. I wish I was on the beach right now!

    1. this beach dress is absolute gem. Perfect to hang on the beach and still look graceful. It's funny but I didn't originally planned on taking it with me but snack in the suitcase and I couldn't be more grateful

  20. I think these photos turned out beautifully, you look stunning and I love the outfit you selected.

  21. More pretty preggy :) gorg photoshoots here!

    1. I think it's much easier to be pregnant these days with many celebrities embracing the changes and allowing themselves to be who they are, not some form of imaginary "appropriate" pregnant woman

  22. You look freaking ADORABLE! Love your baby bump.

    1. thanks! i am so grateful it's on the small side so I can move around and generally feel fine even being 37 weeks (it's 35 on the photos)

  23. Beautiful! I love beach maternity photos!

  24. Aweeee you look so pretty! Congratulations!

  25. Aw this is super lovely. Congratulations by the way and yes you looks absolutely amazing as always x

  26. I've seen these photos and others you posted on social media recently, and you look simply amazing. It is obvious you are glowing, and pregnancy looks great on you.

    1. thank you so much Erica! Yeah, I often publish the same content on different chanels: blog and social media, guilty as charged! Thank you for your kind words. The pregnancy has been mentally tough to me and I am very happy I could finally let it be something positive and normal. Mexico helped me with it so much and I am glad it shows! Still find it pretty crazy that I am actually doing it, becoming a parent

  27. I think it’s super sweet to register those precious months of a pregnancy! I did a mini one too!

  28. I can understand why you wanted to do your own maternity photoshoot because you didn't want someone else's ideas to influence the photos. You look great!

  29. I had two babies but never did a pregnancy photoshoot. I never even thought of doing it which is strange. I did have a lot of weird cravings.

  30. Looking great! Are we expecting a water baby then? Excited for you guys!

  31. These are beautiful photos and a great way to document your pregnancy. I almost didn't do one but looking back I am so glad I did. It's such a priceless treasure!

    Maureen |

  32. I loved being pregnant and but I do wish that I took more photos. Your photos are so lovely and that sea is so crystal clear


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