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Ciudad de Mexico, part 2

Today I don't feel like writing a lot. It's a lot like saying I'd recommend you walking past the street of the center of mexican capital to enjoy it, to feel it, to get to know it. Stroll, explore, watch and eat. This is what I wore to simply walk about the city. And yes I am too tropical these days so I had my hoodie on. I am not ashamed! I wore a very comfortable look, which is perfect for long walks.
Surely I couldn't leave you guys with only a brief sight of the monument of Revolution. Check out more streetviews I snapped during my vacation

I was wearing:
Levi's jeans
Cuidado con el Perro shoes
Hoodie Befree
top (under) Monki


Have a nice day,

  Follow Inside & Outside
Follow Inside and Outside


  1. I loved looking through all of your photos while exploring Ciudad de Mexico. I completely understand those days when you don't want to write alot!

  2. You took so many beautiful photos! I can see why you didn't want to write a lot, to let the photos shine :)

    1. I am so happy you got my original notion! thank you, dear friend

  3. Your photographs of Mexico City are excellent!
    You look absolutely fabulous wearing that outfit featuring the Monki top, Befree hoodie and blue denim Levi's jeans!

    my fashion blog

    1. thanks! confortable clothes is a must for photographer and it could be a little hard not to dress to make better photos but instead to look better on them

  4. loved this virtual tour of the city from you! and your outfit as always is so very cool and stylish, Lyosha!!

  5. You were able to see so many incredible places! Your pictures are stunning. And I love what you wore as well! Stylish as always :)
    the creation of beauty is art.

    1. thanks! we really had a fab trip. I do have plan to make 5 posts about our trip. It definitely was grand in my eyes.

  6. Photo can say more than a 1000 words after all. 😉 That’s my policy for writing a blog. Beautiful walk around city!

  7. I'd love to visit Ciudad de Mexico (and many Latin America countries to be honest)!
    Your pics are really wonderful, thanx for the virtual tour!

    1. I hope you will. I didn't see many other countries apart of mine but what I can assure you is that Mexico is a place to travel and explore. Each state has something special about it. it is a lot like a tiny country within

  8. Sounds like you had a great time and love your outfit, looks quite comfy

  9. Wow! So many landmarks and you have some stunning capture, I have never been there and I would love to visit there some day soon!

  10. The structure behind you in the first few pictures, what is it? It is gorgeous wow!!! I would love to go to Mexico one day.

  11. Ohh wowo... I'm enjoying viewing again & again all your beautiful photos captured from your Mexico city travel. Nice buildings & statues. Wish to travel there myself one day. Cheers SiennyLovesDrawing


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